Personal Injury Lawyer: Safety is Always a Priority

Injuries can occur everywhere whether in our homes, workplaces or even during traveling to our respective offices. But most injuries can also happen in the line of duty because some employees are working in hazardous and dangerous working environments such as construction sites, electrical outlets, factories, and logistics in which it is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that their employees would never prone to physical or psychological injury because it can literally have a negative impact on the overall well-being of a person. In terms of physical injury, it can be permanent or temporary regardless it could still have an impact on the daily life of the employee, but perhaps it can also be damaging in a psychological way because it could give the employee phobia and traumatic experiences that can have a psychological impact to the employee in the long run.

Most of the time in court hearings the only that is being processed is related to the physical injury that has occurred to the employee in the line of duty, sometimes disregarding the psychological injury because the opposing side can just say in the court hearings that psychological injury can be in a form acting and not purely true which is why it is disregard during court proceedings. Although this may sound true since the legal system only recognizes physical injuries, the psychological injury can be really true because it can be a form of phobia and being traumatized at the extent of the employee being unable to go to work despite being physically in good physical condition, depress, and scared this is also clear signs of psychological injury.

Especially if the psychological injury has occurred same time as the physical injury which is why it also must be stated by your personal injury attorney that you have suffered both physically and psychologically and you can proved with a medical examination for both physically and psychologically enabling the court to properly assessed these medical results. More notably psychological injury should not be disregarded during these legal proceedings because it is part of the overall well-being of the employee. Overall it is always best to state the damage of an injury both physically and psychological to ensure that your legal representation can build up a stronger case against your employer who has failed to give you the right compensation, treatment, and rights of being a human being in his/her workplace environment.